Sunday, October 23, 2011

Kristen Enarsdottir; Daughter of Iceland

Loftsalir where the arrow is pointing in this picture is where Kristin was born.

Kristin Einarsdottir

Kristin Einarsdottir is born on November 6, 1855 in Loftsalir, Dyrholar, Vesturskaftafell, Iceland.[1]Her father was Einar Jonsson who was born in 1790 on the family farm of Loftsalir, the parish of Dyrholar in the county of West Skaftafell, in Icelandic, Vesturskaftafell. Loftsalir was a small farm on the southern shores of Iceland close to the landmark called Dyrholar or “hole in the rock”. Dyrholar is a large outcropping of rock, which extends out into the ocean and a large hole is in the side of the cliff so large boats can pass through. This is where Einar Jonson was born in 1790. He married Kristin Arnadottir on October 23, 1835 in Asar, Vesturskaftafell, Iceland.[2] Children soon followed as Arni or Outna as it is pronounced in Icelandic was born on July 15, 1837 and Vigfus followed the next year on July 13, 1838 in Loftsalir. Other children followed Einstinvieg in 1839, Thoreylin in 1847 both daughters who never married. Kristin was born on November 6, 1855 in Loftsalir and the last child to be born was her brother Gunner who was born on April 4, 1857.[3]Here is a list of all of their children:
1.      Son Einarson  August 26, 1836  Loftsalir Died
2.      Arni  July 15, 1837                     Loftsalir
3.      Vigfus  July 17, 1838                  Loftsalir
4.      Einstnveig  December 15, 1839  Loftsalir
5.      Einar 1841                                   Loftsalir  Died
6.      Thoreylin  July 26, 1847             Loftsalir
7.      Son    March 25, 1852                 Loftsalir Died same day
8.      Kristin        November 6, 1855     Loftsalir
9.      Gunner   April 4, 1857                Loftsalir

 Gunner lived and died in Iceland on March 30 1935. He married and had a daughter in Erarbakka named Jonina who was born on November 1, 1907.[4]
            Kristin’s father came to an early death on July 9, 1859 when Kristin was only three and her younger brother Gunnar was two. This may have been the end of the farm Loftsalir and splitting apart of this family to different parts of Iceland. Kristin’s brothers Arni and Vigfus moved to a small island off the south shore of Iceland by 1864. This island is the Westman Islands or in Icelandic Vestmannaeyjar. In 1867 Kristin moves to the Westman Islands to work for her brother Vigfus and his family as a maid. In 1875 Kristin’s brother Arni dies from pneumonia in the Westman Islands.[5]
            Kristin moves to another household to work as a maid by 1870, which appears to be her occupation during this time. In 1879 she meets a Mormon missionary named Einar Eirikson. Missionaries had been coming to Iceland since the 1850s. For whatever reason the only place they had success was on the Westman Islands, so this is where the missionary effort was based. If Kristin had not lived on the Westman Islands she never would have met Elder Eirikson. She was baptized on April 10, 1879 by Elder Eirikson and began planning her move to Zion to be with the saints and to leave the persecution many Icelanders faced when they joined this new church.[6]
            Kristin is finally able to leave for Utah in 1881 and leaves with 22 other saints and Elder John Eyvindson who is the leader of the small group of Icelandic saints traveling to Salt Lake City. Elder Eyvindson and his companion Elder Jacob Johnson had started their mission in Reykjavik but came under severe persecution and spent time in jail for preaching. These two men would lead Kristin’s group to Utah.
The Icelanders left Iceland on the Steamer “Camoens” from Reykjavik. They arrived in Granton, Scotland and then traveled to Liverpool, England. In Liverpool they set sail for Utah on the “SS Nevada” on July 16, 1881 at 1:00pm. The Icelanders sailed from Liverpool, England to New York City and arrives in New York on July 23, 1881. Twins were born on July 20, 1881 two days before arriving in New York to the wife of Halldor Jonson. They named the children Atlantic and Victoria Nevada. On the evening of their arrival Kristin’s group boards a train in New York and travel’s by rail all the way to Utah. A sister passed away on their travel across the country and Elder Eyvindson stays behind to assist in her funeral on the North Platte. The rest of the group arrived in Salt Lake City on August 7, 1881 under the leadership of Elder Johnson. This group moves on to Utah County where they settle in the first Icelandic settlement in North America, Spanish Fork.[7] 
Kristin who is 25 years old meets Michael Christensen and on November 17, 1881, Kristin and Michael are married in Salt Lake City in the Endowment House.[8] Michael and Kristin make their home in Spanish Fork, Utah. One-year later Kristin gives birth to a son. She names him after her Father Einar Jonsson. Einer is born on October 5, 1882 one year after Kristin arrived in Utah.
            Kristin has her first daughter on October 8, 1885 and calls her Hannah Catherine. Another boy named Mickle Ephraim who is born on January 8, 1888 in Spanish Fork soon follows Hannah.[9]
Kristin’s brother Vigfus has a son named Arni who was born in 1875 who leaves Iceland in 1887 and travels to Utah at the age of 12. Arni arrives in Utah and goes to Spanish Fork where he is baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. His father follows in 1888 and the rest of Vigfus family immigrates to Utah by 1890 and 1891. I have no record of wheather Vigfus stayed with his sister and her family or had some type of contact with her. Living in the small town of Spanish Fork, I would assume they were in contact. In just a few years Kristin’s children will be moved out to different families but not to Vigfus or any of his children. One can assume that Vigfus and his wife were elderly and being new to the country they did not have the means to care for Kristin’s children.[10]
            On June 4, 1890 Kristin has another daughter named Grace who dies that same day. Her last daughter Christina is born on October 19, 1891 and is a healthy and happy baby. However, her mother Kristin never recovers from this birth and on October 26, 1891 she passes away leaving Michael alone with four young children to care for in his old age.[11]

     [1] Dyrholar, Vesturskaftafell, Iceland, film #0073374, LDS Family History Library Archives.

     [2] Census Loftsalir, Dyrholar, Vesturskaftafell, Iceland, 1855 Iceland LDS Family History Library Archives film #0073374.

     [3] Ibid.

     [4] Eyrarbakki, Iceland parish records, LDS Family History Library film # 0073399,
Bjorn Magnusson,  Vestur-Skaftfellingar 1703-1966,  Vol. II, Reykjavik 1970 Pg. 98, LDS Family History Library Archives,  Scand 949.1272 D3m cl.

     [5] Westman Islands parish, Iceland 1875, Film # 0074169, LDS Family History Archives.

     [6] David Ashby, Icelandic Mission Records, Iceland Mission History; February 2001,
Icelandic Association of Utah. Pg. 20.

     [7] Ibid

     [8] LDS Church Records, Spanish Fork Forth Ward #292, film # 0027315, LDS Family History Library.

     [9] Nora W. Carter, Cemetery Records Spanish Fork, Utah LDS church Archives,  979.224/s3.

     [10] Nora Allred, The Icelanders of Utah, The Icelandic Association of Utah p. 49-50. Westman Islands parish  Iceland, LDS Film # 0074169.

     [11] Nora W. Carter, Cemetery Records, Spanish Fork Utah, LDS Archives  979.224/s3

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Second Black Hawk War

It is a lot of fun to here stories about your family growing up. However, you never know if they are really true. What is really great is when you can actually document when a story is really true. Michael Christensen found himself a foot note in the Black Hawk War in Utah. Luckily he survived or I would not be here. Funny how history works. It is important to note that Michael had only been in the States about two years.

So here is the story:

Michael Christian Christensen abt 20 years after the war

In 1865 the second uprising of the Ute Indians begins in Sanpete County. While most of the problems occur in Sanpete, on two occasions problems over flow into Utah County. In Utah History this is referred to as the second Black Hawk War. This war started when Indian’s along with their young chief named Black Hawk met with some Mormons in Manti, Utah on April 9, 1865. The reason for this meeting surrounds some stolen cattle that some hungry Ute’s had killed and eaten. One of the Mormon men becomes infuriated at Black Hawk and attacks him. Black Hawk angered by the attack claims that he will retaliate. Chief Black Hawk and his braves attack many settlements killing people and stealing their cattle. This war went on for several years before Black Hawk agreed to a peace in 1867 and by 1868 the Indians agreed to a peace treaty, which was the official end of the Black Hawk War.[1] Michael finds himself a footnote in history of the Black Hawk War. On May 16, 1866 Michael is herding cattle with Christian Larsen in Spanish Fork Canyon when a War party of Indians comes down and kills Christian Larsen. Michael sees the Indians before they see him and hides in a large sagebrush. The Indians soon leave and Michael is safe. I have found several accounts on this attack and will turn to the account given by Michael’s youngest daughter Christina Christensen Daniels.
On May 16, 1866 father was herding on the east side of town toward the mouth of the Spanish Fork Canyon. Christen Larsen (Uncle to Marinus Larsen) was with him also Jas Atkins, some Indians came down from the canyon and father having time to see them hid in a large sage brush. The Indians caught and killed Larsen Scalping him. After looking around and not seeing any one else they hurried back to the mountains for fear of being caught themselves.[2]

Michael survives that day and continues herding cattle even though the risks of his job are more apparent to him now than they had ever been in Denmark.

    [1] John A. Peterson, The Black hawk War, Utah Encyclopedia,

    [2] Christina C. Daniels, Biography of Mikkel Christensen, Pioneer of 1863, Daughters of the Utah Pioneers,  March 10, 1957 p. 2,
(Refer to the following for back up to Christinas quote) Anne Miller Eckman, et al. Pioneer Pathways Daughter of the Utah Pioneers Vol 7, pg.  289, 326, Elisha Warner, History of Spanish Fork  LDS Archive 979.224/s3 H2w p. 68-69.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Christen Andersen, the origin of the Christensen Name

  Micheal's father is definately Christen Andersen and his mother Ane Kirstine Bertelsdatter. We know this from the birth record that I have already added in the last post. When I was young I was so excited to be related to Christen Andersen becuase I thought of Hans Chritian Andersen. However these are two different people. When I found this out I was so depressed.
   I am going to present Christen's life in a way similar to how a person researching Christen Andersen would do it. I will go from the end of his life backward to his birth. I also have the most information from the end and as I get to his birth I have the least information. Also I am passing this information on to all interested family so you know where our research needs to be done.

   Christen Andersen Died in Farso Parish, Gislum District, Aalborg County, Denmark. on January 28, 1863 and was buried on February 1, 1863. On the documentation I obtained shows he was living in the town of Stottstrup which is near Farso. It says he was 81 years old at the time of his death. This is the clue. This means he was born about 1782. But no clue on where and who his parents were. I have a copy of this record but I do not have the film # of where I found it in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
This  documentation below may get you to the right infromation.
The record below says Death and Burial of Men and Women The film number should help you if you are looking for this at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.

  Døde og Begravede - Mandkøn 1859-1868 Døde og Begravede - Kvindekøn 1840-1868


Ane Kirstine Bertelsdatter, Christen's wife dies in Farso on on June 29, 1865 and was buried on July 4, 1865.

The possible film number above would be the documentation for Ane Kirstine as well. It says death and burial of women from 1840 to 1868. Since she died in 1865 her record should be found here.

Census Records:

The following are census records I have collected showing Christen and Ane throughout their life. These records essential tell the story of both of them.

Age problem? Below you will notice that the ages don't always jive with the different census and some of the other information presented in this blog. There are two simple answers for this you pick the one you want. Either this is not the people I think they are. They very well could be different people and not the Christen Andersen and Ane Bertelsen we are researching. The second possibility is the information is just not accurate. Many people were not literate in these times and may not have known their exact age. The other posssibility is people lied about their age to the census takers. I am not sure why but people do lie about their age sometime. Please review the following information critically but I do believe these are the people I think they are.
Aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, en gaard, Støttrup by, Farsø, , , 9, FT-1855
Der vises flg. felter:
Navn, Alder, Civilstand, Stilling i husstanden, Erhverv , Fødested
Christen Bertelsen, 55, Gift, Gaardmand, , Her i Sognet
Karen Marie Jensdatter, 44, Gift, hans kone, , Her i Sognet
Christen Christensen, 26, Ugift, deres barn, , Her i Sognet
Jens Peter Christensen, 16, Ugift, deres barn, , Her i Sognet
Inger Marie Christensdatter, 13, Ugift, deres barn, , Her i Sognet
Niels Peter Christensen, 7, Ugift, deres barn, , Her i Sognet
Kjersten Christensdatter, 92, Enke, Aftægtskone, , Her i Sognet
Ane Bertelsen, 54, Gift, tjenestepige, , Her i Sognet
Ane’s brother was Christen Bertelsen of Stottrup Ane died in 1865. Christen Died in 1863. I am not sure where Christen is living. Ane possibly taking care of 92 year old mother at her brothers house.

In 1850 we find Christen and Ane living together.

aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, et huus, Fredbjerg by, Farsø, , , 30, FT-1850
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Christen Andersen, 66, Gift, , Indsidder, dagleier, husfader, Her i Sognet  (Renter-daylaboer-husband-Here in this Parish Farso. While Christen was probably born in Alstrup this may just be an error. See 1845 Census)
Aen Bertelsdatter, 51, Gift, , hans kone, Her i Sognet
Christen and Ane on their own in the town of Fredbjerg.

This Census information found at this web site.
aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, Fredberg Bye, , Huus, 34, FT-1845
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Chresten Andersen, 65, Gift, , daglejer, Alstrup [Aalborg]
Ane Bertelsdatter, 50, Gift, , hans kone, her i sognet
Kirstine Andersdatter, 2, Ugift, , plejebarn, her i sognet

Christen Andersen and Ane Kirstine Bertelsen with Step Daughter Kirstine Andersdatter who is their daughter Ane Kirstine’s daughter. Notice the name Chresten for Christen. I have been told this is another spelling for Christen.

aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, Fredberg, , Gård, 93 F2, FT 1840
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Christen Andersen, 59, gift, , Indsidder,
Anne Kierstine Berthelsdatter, 45, gift, , Hans kone ernære dem ved spind,
1840 the first time Ane and Christen are on their own.

In 1834 they are living apart. My guess is that Christen is working in the parish below while Ane stays in the small town where she is from, Giottrup.

aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, Giøttrup Bye, , En stue, 15, FT 1834
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Anne Bertelsdatter, 40, gift, , Indsider og nærer sig af mandens og egen fortjeneste,
Bertel Christensen, 15, ugift, , Deres søn,
Michal Christensen, 11, ugift, , Deres søn,
Anne Kierstine Christensdatter, 13, ugift, , Deres datter,
Anne is living with three of her five children. Anders is probably working as a servant in nearby town and Gjertrud Marie is no longer found in the record. She possibly died  young. Ane’s family is from Giottrup.  She is probably renting a house from a family member while her husband works in Buderup.

aalborg, Hornum, Buderup, Juelstrup, , Præstegaard, 1, FT-1834
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Frederik Schiønning, 56, Gift, , Sognepræst,
Carol. Cath. Jach. Margr. Schiønning, 66, Gift, , Hans Kone,
Christiane Margrethe Bøggild, 68, Ugift, , antaget til Forsørgelse,
Laura Schmith, 17, Ugift, , antaget Plejedatter,
Petrea Marie Winding, 19, Ugift, , Huusjomfrue,
Anne Christensdatter, 25, Ugift, , Kokkepige,
Marie Dorthea Lytmann, 24, Ugift, , Stuepige,
Anders Jensen, 27, Ugift, , Kudsk,
Christen Jensen, 10, Ugift, , antaget til Forsørgelse,
Laurits Aagaard, 40, Ugift, , Forpagter,
Marie Nielsdatter, 57, Ugift, , Huusholderske,
Johanne Nielsdatter, 20, Ugift, , Tjenestepige,
Jens Jensen Lund, 33, Gift, , ??,
Lars Jensen Wittrup, 23, Ugift, , Staldkarl,
Christen Andersen, 53, Gift, , Korøgter,  (Takes care of cows)
Christen Andersen working for the Parish Priest in the Parish of Buderup.

Christen and Ane were married on October 29, 1816 in Farso Aalborg Denmark. FHL # 0043370

Christen and Ane had the following Children:

1.      Anders  July 19, 1816  Farso, Aalborg
2.      Bertel  September 13, 1818  Vester Tostrup, Viborg
3.      Ane Kirstine July 23, 1820  Farso, Aalborg
4.      Mikkel Christian  June 3, 1823  Store Ajstrup, Aalborg
5.      Gjertrude Marie  September 6, 1825  Store Ajstrup. Aalborg

As we move back in time the next date we have is the birth of Ane Kirstine Bertelsdatter.

Her parents are Bertel Andersen born on July 2, 1754 and  Kersten Christensen who was born on April 23, 1764. Ane was born in the Farso Parish and probably grew up in Stottrup near Giottrup a small town outside of Farso parish.

Ane was born in the Farso parish on April 22, 1794. FHL Film number 0043369

Birth Record of Ane Kirstine Bertelsdatter

Christen is not found in any documents as far as I know before 1816 when he is married. The best clue to where he is born is the 1845 census records which say  he was born in Alstrup, Aalborg Denmark. I found this census record which gives the clearest picture of Christens birth and parents. This census record would have him being born in 1782 which according to my calculations from his age at death would be the correct year he was born.

aalborg, Gislum, Alstrup, Alstrup, , , 14. familie, FT-1787
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
And. Jacobsen, 35, Gift, mand, husmand og skræder,
Anne Michelsdatter, 36, Gift, kone, ,
Christen Andersen, 5, -, deres barn, ,
Jens Andersen, 3, -, deres barn, ,
Michel Andersen, 1, -, deres barn, ,
Christen Andersen as a child in Alstrup.

This birth record shows him being born in October possibly the 20th of October in 1782 and it shows his name as Christen. FHL film # 0043446.

Birth Record of Christen Andersen Born October 20, 1782

This is all of the information I have of Christen Andersen and his family. I need to research this more an hopefully pinpoint that this is the right Christen Andersen but I am pretty sure I am right. As you can see there is a good possiblity we can find out more about his parents but I have not research their birth records yet or marriage record. This is the next step in the Christensen Family line.