Thursday, August 15, 2013

Christensen Brick Wall

For those of you related to Einer Christensen you may realize there is a dead end after Christen Andersen. I have done some research and have a possible birth date for Christen Andersen with birth parents. I will provide a brief look at where the search for the ancestors of Einer Christensen ends.

The first census in Denmark that provides good information for the families that lived in Denmark was 1787. The first census to provid the actual place of birth for the danish citizens was 1845. These two census records are the clues to where Christen Andersen was born.

1845 census of Fredberg, Gislum Aalborg Denmark shows Christen with his birth place being in Alstrup, Aalborg, Denmark.Other census records state that his place of birth was in Farso Parish.
The Link Below shows Chresten or Christen as the father with his wife and granddaughter.

Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Chresten Andersen 65 Gift daglejer Alstrup [Aalborg]
Ane Bertelsdatter 50 Gift hans kone her i sognet
Kirstine Andersdatter 2 Ugift plejebarn

her i sognet

The census above shows Christen being born in Alstrup, Aalborg Denmark and 65 years old which would have him born around 1780. The next Census record shows a possible Christen Andersen as a five year old child. The only record I have beyond his marriage record to Ane in 1816.

Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
And. Jacobsen 35 Gift mand husmand og skræder
Anne Michelsdatter 36 Gift kone
Christen Andersen 5 - deres barn
Jens Andersen 3 - deres barn
Michel Andersen 1 - deres barn
This Census shows a Christen Andersen in Alstrup at the age of 5 years old which shows him being born in 1782. I have found a birth record in 1782 and will give the information I found from this record.

The Family History Library in Salt Lake City has this record on microfilm. # 0043447 in the international floor.

It shows a Christen who was born on the 21st Sunday after Trinity. His parents are listed as Anders Staeden (Skaeder) and Anna Christensdatter. According to the information I have found in Wiki shows the date to be October 20, 1782.

Here is the website for the religious holidays and the actual dates.

From my research this birth record is the most likely birth record for Christen Andersen. There are other census records showing him as born in Farso parish but I have not been able to to find anything to support this. It is possible that he was born somewhere else but the Christen Andersen born in 1782 in Alstrup is the most probable father of Michael Christensen. I encourage anyone else who wants to double check my work and let me know if you found out something different.

The Danish people especially in this time period used very few given names and add in patronimics you got lots of people named Christen Andersen. So my best guess at this point is that He was born in Alstrup. I am in the process of doing the tedious work of comparing all of the Christen Andersens in the area to see if there are any other candidates for this. Please look at the Parish Map below for a good idea of how close all of thes places were. I believed that he was born in close proximity to Farso parish and not in Horring or possibly Viborg as others have tried to suggest.

Find Farso on this map and notice all of the parish are in close distance to Farso. Store Ajstrup (where Michael was born) is north, Alstrup is just a few parishes to the south. All fit in a pretty tight geographic distance.