Friday, August 8, 2014

    On Thursday August 7, 2014 I met with a Genealogist from Copenhagen, Denmark who help me obtain more information from this the birth record of Christen Andersen. This record is found in the Alborg, Gislum, Alstrup/Lovns Church Book file from 1701-1795. It shows an Anders Jacobsen as the father. However, as others have looked at it they say it says Anders Skraeder and some say Jacobsen follows Skraeder. As I have felt in the past Skraeder in Danish means Taylor so Anders is a Taylor. His last name is Jacobsen.  One other important fact is the Scribes or Parish Priest always abbreviate his name to And. So this helps to look for him in the census and church records. The 1787 Census list him as And. Jacobsen a Skraedder or Taylor.

Anne Mikkelsdatter the mother of Christen. She is listed in Anders birth record as Anne Christensdatter. However, as was pointed out to me the two witness in this record are a Gjertrude Mikkelsdatter and Kirsten Mikkelsdater sisters to the mother. It is very hard to read and in the Gothic script and Danish language but this was related to me by the woman who is over the family history center in Copenhagen Denmark. The census for 1787 gives her name as Mikkelsdatter. So that adds a little more evidence to this being her correct name. However, the church book and the 1787 census have some disagreements as well.

The census list a Jens as their son. This is in the original census hand written form. However, this child would normally have a very close family name such as the fathers name Jacob. In the Alstrup Church book in 1784 it list a Jacob as a son of Anders Jacobsen and Anne Mikkelsdatter. There is no Jens listed any time up to 1787 so Jens is not correct in this census. Jacob  is the correct name of their child. (Note: in the church book it gives the mothers name as Anne M or N I have found Jacob listed with correct birth date in Family Tree but his mother is listed as Anne Nielsen with no father. I feel my information is more correct and have put this into Family Tree of Family Search web site.) There is also a Michel Andersen listed in the census. We were not able to find a Michel but we were able to find an Elsie Marie Andersdattere who was born on April 30, 1786 in Alstrup. In 1801 Census this family shows up again and Anders Jacobsen, Anne  Mikkelsdatter Jacob as a son. They have other children listed but no Elsie Marie nor Michel for that matter. Elsie Marie may have died before the census or was with other family to be raised. More research is required on her name.

Here is the 1787 census record and 1801 that shows the family who have now moved to Ullitz a parish next to Alstrup. As far as I know Jacob and Anne were not married or born in Alstrup. Possibly they were born in the Vester Bolle Parish of Viborg County or a parish near Alstrup.
Here is the link to the web site for this census data.

The 1787 census and 1801 census.

Aalborg, Gislum, Alstrup, Alstrup, , 14, FT-1787, A4627

Name: Age: Marital status: Position in household: Occupation: Birth place:
And. Jacobsen35Giftmandhusmand og skræder

Anne Michelsdatter36Giftkone

Christen Andersen5-deres barn

Jens Andersen3-deres barn

Michel Andersen1-deres barn

Aalborg, Gislum, Ullits, Ullitz Bye, , 26, FT-1801, B8537

Name: Age: Marital status: Position in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Anders Jacobsen50GiftMandJordløs Huusmand og Skræder

Anne Michelsdatter51GiftHans Kone

Jacob Andersen15UgiftDeres Børn

Frands Andersen10UgiftDeres Børn

Christen Andersen5UgiftDeres Børn

Johanne Andersdatter8UgiftDeres Børn

Christen's birth record below at bottom of this Image.

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