Monday, August 3, 2015

New or Old New picture

Visiting with my parents this summer for a Christensen family reunion and to celebrate my moms birthday I got a box full of old pictures. I found this one of my Grandpa Pete Christensen with his brother Rulon in Yellowstone Park. I found it a very interesting picture. Here it is my grandpa Pete is on the left.

In comparison here is a picture of Pete's son Larry and all of Larry's family. I am the tall one in the back.

And here is a great picture of my family
                               Left to right: Kyler, Alan Laura Lee Christensen and Julia

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Grandpa Einer;s 132 Birthday today

Today is October 5, 2014 which is the date that Einer Christensen was born 132 years ago today. I know it a long time ago. However, when I realized what day it is I just thought I should say happy birthday as this is a blog about him. Just and FYI since my last blog I have found lots of original Danish Records from the Church books and have been adding them in in Family Search Family Tree. It has been keeping me busy but is really great to add the actual record in as documentation.

Happy Birthday Grandpa Einer,

Friday, August 8, 2014

    On Thursday August 7, 2014 I met with a Genealogist from Copenhagen, Denmark who help me obtain more information from this the birth record of Christen Andersen. This record is found in the Alborg, Gislum, Alstrup/Lovns Church Book file from 1701-1795. It shows an Anders Jacobsen as the father. However, as others have looked at it they say it says Anders Skraeder and some say Jacobsen follows Skraeder. As I have felt in the past Skraeder in Danish means Taylor so Anders is a Taylor. His last name is Jacobsen.  One other important fact is the Scribes or Parish Priest always abbreviate his name to And. So this helps to look for him in the census and church records. The 1787 Census list him as And. Jacobsen a Skraedder or Taylor.

Anne Mikkelsdatter the mother of Christen. She is listed in Anders birth record as Anne Christensdatter. However, as was pointed out to me the two witness in this record are a Gjertrude Mikkelsdatter and Kirsten Mikkelsdater sisters to the mother. It is very hard to read and in the Gothic script and Danish language but this was related to me by the woman who is over the family history center in Copenhagen Denmark. The census for 1787 gives her name as Mikkelsdatter. So that adds a little more evidence to this being her correct name. However, the church book and the 1787 census have some disagreements as well.

The census list a Jens as their son. This is in the original census hand written form. However, this child would normally have a very close family name such as the fathers name Jacob. In the Alstrup Church book in 1784 it list a Jacob as a son of Anders Jacobsen and Anne Mikkelsdatter. There is no Jens listed any time up to 1787 so Jens is not correct in this census. Jacob  is the correct name of their child. (Note: in the church book it gives the mothers name as Anne M or N I have found Jacob listed with correct birth date in Family Tree but his mother is listed as Anne Nielsen with no father. I feel my information is more correct and have put this into Family Tree of Family Search web site.) There is also a Michel Andersen listed in the census. We were not able to find a Michel but we were able to find an Elsie Marie Andersdattere who was born on April 30, 1786 in Alstrup. In 1801 Census this family shows up again and Anders Jacobsen, Anne  Mikkelsdatter Jacob as a son. They have other children listed but no Elsie Marie nor Michel for that matter. Elsie Marie may have died before the census or was with other family to be raised. More research is required on her name.

Here is the 1787 census record and 1801 that shows the family who have now moved to Ullitz a parish next to Alstrup. As far as I know Jacob and Anne were not married or born in Alstrup. Possibly they were born in the Vester Bolle Parish of Viborg County or a parish near Alstrup.
Here is the link to the web site for this census data.

The 1787 census and 1801 census.

Aalborg, Gislum, Alstrup, Alstrup, , 14, FT-1787, A4627

Name: Age: Marital status: Position in household: Occupation: Birth place:
And. Jacobsen35Giftmandhusmand og skræder

Anne Michelsdatter36Giftkone

Christen Andersen5-deres barn

Jens Andersen3-deres barn

Michel Andersen1-deres barn

Aalborg, Gislum, Ullits, Ullitz Bye, , 26, FT-1801, B8537

Name: Age: Marital status: Position in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Anders Jacobsen50GiftMandJordløs Huusmand og Skræder

Anne Michelsdatter51GiftHans Kone

Jacob Andersen15UgiftDeres Børn

Frands Andersen10UgiftDeres Børn

Christen Andersen5UgiftDeres Børn

Johanne Andersdatter8UgiftDeres Børn

Christen's birth record below at bottom of this Image.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Census Records for Christen Andersen

Christen Andersen has been very diffcult for me to pin down on where he was living. I am putting in some census records that I think show the Christen Andersen who was the Father of Micheal Christian Christensen. So here we go.

aalborg, Gislum, Alstrup, Alstrup, , , 14. familie, FT-1787
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place

And. Jacobsen, 35, Gift, mand, husmand og skræder,
Anne Michelsdatter, 36, Gift, kone, ,
Christen Andersen, 5, -, deres barn,
Jens Andersen, 3, deres barn,
  Michel Andersen, 1, -, deres barn,

Christen Andersen as a child in Alstrup. I can't prove for a fact that this is the correct Christen Andersen but follow the census records and see if the trail leads us in the right direction.

aalborg, Hornum, Buderup, Juelstrup, , Præstegaard, 1, FT-1834 Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place

Frederik Schiønning, 56, Gift, , Sognepræst,
Carol. Cath. Jach. Margr. Schiønning, 66, Gift, , Hans Kone,
Christiane Margrethe Bøggild, 68, Ugift, , antaget til Forsørgelse,
Laura Schmith, 17, Ugift, , antaget Plejedatter,
Petrea Marie Winding, 19, Ugift, , Huusjomfrue,
Anne Christensdatter, 25, Ugift, , Kokkepige,
Marie Dorthea Lytmann, 24, Ugift, , Stuepige,
Anders Jensen, 27, Ugift, , Kudsk,
Christen Jensen, 10, Ugift, , antaget til Forsørgelse,
Laurits Aagaard, 40, Ugift, , Forpagter,
Marie Nielsdatter, 57, Ugift, , Huusholderske,
Johanne Nielsdatter, 20, Ugift, , Tjenestepige,
Jens Jensen Lund, 33, Gift, , ??, Lars Jensen Wittrup, 23, Ugift, , Staldkarl,
Christen Andersen, 53, Gift, , Korøgter, ( Takes care of cows) Christen Andersen working for the Parish Priest in the Parish of Buderup.

aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, Giøttrup Bye, , En stue, 15, FT 1834 Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Anne Bertelsdatter, 40, gift, , Indsider og nærer sig af mandens og egen fortjeneste,
Bertel Christensen, 15, ugift, , Deres søn,
Michal Christensen, 11, ugift, , Deres søn,
Anne Kierstine Christensdatter, 13, ugift, , Deres datter,

Anne is living with three of her five children. Anders is probably working as a servant in nearby town and Gjertrud Marie is no longer found in the record. She possibly died young. Ane’s family is from Giottrup. She is probably renting a house from a family member while her husband works in Buderup. I think that Christen was in this parish in 1834 because his son Bertel is found there in 1840. The Census of 1840 shows Ane and Christen together.

aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, Fredberg, , Gård, 93 F2, FT 1840 Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Christen Andersen, 59, gift, , Indsidder,
Anne Kierstine Berthelsdatter, 45, gift, , Hans kone ernære dem ved spind,

1840 the first time Ane and Christen are on their own.

aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, Fredberg Bye, , Huus, 34, FT-1845 Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Chresten Andersen, 65, Gift, , daglejer, Alstrup [Aalborg]
Ane Bertelsdatter, 50, Gift, , hans kone, her i sognet
Kirstine Andersdatter, 2, Ugift, , plejebarn, her i sognet

Christen Andersen and Ane Kirstine Bertelsen with Step Daughter Kirstine Andersdatter who is their daughter Ane Kirstine’s daughter. The girl as I have said is their grandaughter. I have seen her birth record and Her mother is Ane Kirstine.

aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, et huus, Fredbjerg by, Farsø, , , 30, FT-1850 Following fields are shown: Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Christen Andersen, 66, Gift, , Indsidder, dagleier, husfader, Her i Sognet (Renter-daylaboer-husband-Here in this Parish Farso.

While Christen was probably born in Alstrup this may just be an error. See 1845 Census)

Aen Bertelsdatter, 51, Gift, , hans kone, Her i Sognet

Christen and Ane on their own in the town of Fredbjerg. This Census information found at this web site. Samtlige personer i husstanden

Aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, en gaard, Støttrup by, Farsø, , , 9, FT-1855 Der vises flg. felter:
Navn, Alder, Civilstand, Stilling i husstanden, Erhverv , Fødested

Christen Bertelsen, 55, Gift, Gaardmand, , Her i Sognet
Karen Marie Jensdatter, 44, Gift, hans kone, , Her i Sognet
Christen Christensen, 26, Ugift, deres barn, , Her i Sognet
Jens Peter Christensen, 16, Ugift, deres barn, , Her i Sognet
Inger Marie Christensdatter, 13, Ugift, deres barn, , Her i Sognet
Niels Peter Christensen, 7, Ugift, deres barn, , Her i Sognet
Kjersten Christensdatter, 92, Enke, Aftægtskone, , Her i Sognet
Ane Bertelsen, 54, Gift, tjenestepige, , Her i Sognet

Ane’s brother was Christen Bertelsen of Stottrup Ane died in 1865. Christen Died in 1863. I am not sure where Christen is living. Ane possibly taking care of 92 year old mother at her brothers house.

These are the last census records I have found for Christen Andersen. Please feel free to search the Damagraphic Database above and see if you can find more links to Christen and Ane. Hope this helps with your search.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Christensen Brick Wall

For those of you related to Einer Christensen you may realize there is a dead end after Christen Andersen. I have done some research and have a possible birth date for Christen Andersen with birth parents. I will provide a brief look at where the search for the ancestors of Einer Christensen ends.

The first census in Denmark that provides good information for the families that lived in Denmark was 1787. The first census to provid the actual place of birth for the danish citizens was 1845. These two census records are the clues to where Christen Andersen was born.

1845 census of Fredberg, Gislum Aalborg Denmark shows Christen with his birth place being in Alstrup, Aalborg, Denmark.Other census records state that his place of birth was in Farso Parish.
The Link Below shows Chresten or Christen as the father with his wife and granddaughter.

Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Chresten Andersen 65 Gift daglejer Alstrup [Aalborg]
Ane Bertelsdatter 50 Gift hans kone her i sognet
Kirstine Andersdatter 2 Ugift plejebarn

her i sognet

The census above shows Christen being born in Alstrup, Aalborg Denmark and 65 years old which would have him born around 1780. The next Census record shows a possible Christen Andersen as a five year old child. The only record I have beyond his marriage record to Ane in 1816.

Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
And. Jacobsen 35 Gift mand husmand og skræder
Anne Michelsdatter 36 Gift kone
Christen Andersen 5 - deres barn
Jens Andersen 3 - deres barn
Michel Andersen 1 - deres barn
This Census shows a Christen Andersen in Alstrup at the age of 5 years old which shows him being born in 1782. I have found a birth record in 1782 and will give the information I found from this record.

The Family History Library in Salt Lake City has this record on microfilm. # 0043447 in the international floor.

It shows a Christen who was born on the 21st Sunday after Trinity. His parents are listed as Anders Staeden (Skaeder) and Anna Christensdatter. According to the information I have found in Wiki shows the date to be October 20, 1782.

Here is the website for the religious holidays and the actual dates.

From my research this birth record is the most likely birth record for Christen Andersen. There are other census records showing him as born in Farso parish but I have not been able to to find anything to support this. It is possible that he was born somewhere else but the Christen Andersen born in 1782 in Alstrup is the most probable father of Michael Christensen. I encourage anyone else who wants to double check my work and let me know if you found out something different.

The Danish people especially in this time period used very few given names and add in patronimics you got lots of people named Christen Andersen. So my best guess at this point is that He was born in Alstrup. I am in the process of doing the tedious work of comparing all of the Christen Andersens in the area to see if there are any other candidates for this. Please look at the Parish Map below for a good idea of how close all of thes places were. I believed that he was born in close proximity to Farso parish and not in Horring or possibly Viborg as others have tried to suggest.

Find Farso on this map and notice all of the parish are in close distance to Farso. Store Ajstrup (where Michael was born) is north, Alstrup is just a few parishes to the south. All fit in a pretty tight geographic distance.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Great Great Grandpa Micheal

On June 3, 2012 Micheal will celebrate his 189th birthday. He was born as you may all know by reading this blog in Store Ajstrup Aalborg Denmark on June 3, 1823. So on Sunday Grandpa Micheal will celebrate his birthday. Today I am making this post on May 31, 2012. Just short of 189 years after my Grandpa Michael's birth.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Marvin Romaine Christensen

The Marvin Romaine Christensen Family

Marvin was born soon after his mother had Typhoid Fever, and they had told her that she would never have any more children. Marvin was a real surprise and a great blessing. His mother worried about him, but he was very healthy. Marvin was born in Spanish Fork, Utah on August 31, to Einer and Rebecca Christensen.
            As a young boy he herded cows and did the thing all farm boys do growing up. One day while herding cows a sheep herd went by and an old sheep stayed so Einer told Marvin he could keep her. By the time he graduated from High School he had a small herd of sheep.
            Marvin was drafted in World War II, his mother never thought he would pass the physical and she was shocked when he did. Marvin never got a furlough to come home until he was released at Christmas time in 1945.
            Marvin was dating Maxine’s girlfriend and there were twelve girls who wanted to meet each other’s boyfriends so they all went to a dance and that is when Maxine met Marvin in October and got married on June 11, 1947.
            Marvin worked at Geneva Steele for 37 years and then retired. He continued to farm for many years. Now he is retired from farming but still keeps busy doing yard work. He has Diabetes but he is doing great and takes really good care of his health and the Doctor told his daughter Rebecca he wished all of his patients were as healthy.

Maxine Roberts Christensen was the oldest of six children and her mother taught her everything that she knows. She says that both of her parents were great and taught her to be a good person. When Maxine was eleven years old her mother had a nervous breakdown and she and her siblings had to live with relatives for two years. Her father bought a home in Springville, Utah and alone and with Maxine’s he raised his six children. Some of Maxine’s relatives worried about the kids while her father was gone all day. Social Services came to check on them. The House was clean, the kids were clean, and Maxine was baking bread and reading to her younger sister and brothers. The people from Social Services stated that they knew adults who did not do near as good as she did.
            Marvin and Maxine met at a dance and fell in love. She stated that after she was married to Marvin her sister and her brothers came and stayed with them during the summer.
            They have six wonderful children who are all grown up. They have 27 Grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. Maxine stated that she loved being a stay at home mom and raising her children, Kathy, Nanette, Randy, Pamela, Rebecca and Calvin.
            Marvin and Maxine love living in LakeShore, Utah where they have lived for the past 45 years. Life has been really great for them and they are very thankful to god for many blessings and they both feel that they have been blessed their whole life. They feel that they have received more blessing than they can count.

Marvin Romaine Christensen

Married: June 11, 1947    Salt Lake City, S.L. Utah

Spouse: Maxine Roberts
Born: June 11, 1929
Died: November 21, 2009


1.      Kathy Christensen
Spouse: Donald Niels Evans
Don and Kathy keep busy with work, and enjoying our children and grandchildren. Don is an accountant and Kathy is a Junior High Special Education Teacher. We both enjoy our jobs and the opportunity we have of being parents and grandparents. 
            The Psalmist stated: Children are an heritage of the lord. Such has blessed the home of Don and Kathy Evans. We have been blessed with two great sons and two lovely girls. Each child brings different talents to bless our family. Our growing family brings much happiness and joy. We look forward to meeting the challenges that may come our way.

a.       Neils Brant Evans
Spouse: Nichole Dianne Wolf

1.      Kelly Elizabeth Evans

2.      Daniel Neils Evans

Brant is a computer whiz. He is currently a UNIX administrator for Cendent Corporation. He has traveled from Brazil to France repairing computers and computer networks. His strong analytical mind lets him travel through any computer and repair any and all difficulties. Nichole teaches Junior High Socail Studies and Mothers two children. Nichole received her National Teaching Certificate and enjoys her students. Kelly is accelerated forth grade. She enjoys reading, school and playing with her friends. Daniel, currently insecond grade, enjoys school, soccer and baseball. His analytical mind is constantly in motion figuring out how things work and how to make them better.

b.      D’Net Evans
Spouse: Paul Richard Layton

            1.Rebekah Emily Layton

2.Joseph Richard Calderon Layton

3.      Joshua Paul Fernando Layton

4.      Adela Rebeca Layton

D’Net earned a degree in music education and is now busy operating her piano and voice studio. Paul is a computer programmer for Intertell. Both d’Net and Paul’s days are full. Their family came in a different way than most. Rebekah our five year old was adopted here in Arizona. Her two brother’s and sister came from Guatemala. Becky loves school and being Mom to her to little brothers. Joseph and Joshua are two explorer’s. They keep their parents and grandparents young and busy. Adela is now learning how to walk and take care of her two year old brothers. A wonderful little family we must say.

c.       Corey Don Evans

Spouse: Lor Lynn Sampson

            1.Corey Jacob Evans

Corey has completed a bachelor of science degree from Arizona State University and is now an Executive manager with Walgreen Drug Stores. He is continuing his education and hopes to own his own property management company. Lori is teaching second grade and being a mother to Corey Jacob (CJ for Short) Corey and Lorey adopted C.J. two months ago. Now they find they wil be parents again in July when Lori delivers another little one in our family.

d.      Maguen Adel Evans
Spouse: Karl Richard Denhalter

1.      Ashlee Adel Denhalter

2.      Tyler Richard Denhalter

          Maguen is busy being Mom to Ashlee and Tyler. Maguen’s days are full teaching Ashlee and taking care of Tyler’s needs. Karl is employed by Ameriquest and is earning his bachelors degree in business management from Western International University. Being new parents and going to school fills their days. Ashlee enjoys playing sports with her Father and  and being with her cousin Becky.

2.  Nanette Christensen
Spouse: William Elmer Justus

a.       David William Justus

b.      Jared Christopher Justus
Spouse: Liza Marianne Gossett

1.      Trey Christian Justus

2.      Kailey Marin Justus

c.       Michelle Lee Justus
Spouse: Cameron Copher

1.      Nathan Scott Copher

2.      Timothy Justus Copher

3.      Cameron Lee Copher Jr.

4.      Iassac William Copher

d.      Karen Elizabeth Justus
Spouse: Robert Joseph Loutzenhiser

1.      Tyler Robert Loutzenhiser

2.      Elizabeth May Loutzenhiser

e. Ryan Mark Justus

f.        Scott Michael Justus
April 8, 1984  Kennewick, Benton, Washington
Scott Justus 1995
Died: October 2, 1998  Spokane, Spokane, Washington
Buried: October 6, 1998  Sandpoint, Idaho

3.Randy Christensen
Spouse: Donna Rae Handley

a.       Troy Clinton Christensen
                        Spouse: Michelle Hutchings
1.      Chaden Troy Christensen
2.      Britten Christensen

b.      Rodney M. Christensen
Spouse: Tracy Cartwright
1.      Kyler Christensen

2.      Joshua Christensen

            c. Alan Ray Christensen
            Spouse: Tammie Brown

d. Aimee Sue Christensen
Spouse: Chet Hansen
1.      Colton Hansen

e.       Keith Randy Christensen

4.Pamela Christensen
Spouse: Carl Richard Rohbach

a.       Kirsi Dawn Rohbock
Spouse: Gary Driscoll

b.      Bohden Kai Rohbock

c.       Anya Leigh Rohbock

d.      Ehren Shea Rohbock

5.Rebecca Christensen
Spouse: Randell Harry Clement

a.       Nichole Christine Clement

b.      Michael Dean Clement

c.       Sarah Kathryn Clement

6.Calvin Christensen
Spouse: Linette Leavitt

a.       Mark R. Christensen

b.      Kimberly Christensen

c.       Brad Lee Christensen

d.      Trent C. Christensen

e.       Chase J. Christensen

Please contact me or e-mail me if you have information or pictures you want to add to this family.