Saturday, September 10, 2011

Michael Christian Christensen

  OK so why do I refer to Michael as Michael when he is known by other names? Well hopefully I will solve this problem in this blog and hopefully answer some other question that you did not know. So here it goes.

Michael Christensen has been know as Mikkel, Michel, Mickle and Michael throughout his life. So which one is right? Well just for the sake of the language barrier Mikkel is the danish equivalent of Michael. I have found his name spelled many different ways. I will give you a brief outline of Michael's life and use documentation to verify that the information in this blog is correct.

                            Mikkel, Mickle, Michel or Michael he is all the same person.

  Let's begin at Michael's birth. I am adding in his birth certificate or what accounted for a birth certificate in 1823. This is from the local Parish of Store Ajstrup in the District of Slet, County of Aalborg Denmark.
Look at this link to see the places where Michael was born and lived. Most Danish people were Lutheran so most children were baptised Lutherans in those days and their names birth and christening dates were added in the church book.
 Here is how Michael's birth record looks in the church book. Please look at this and let me know if you learn anything new if you can read it?

Michael Christensen's Birth Record

     This is what the page looks like on the Microfilm in the LDS Church Archives. If you want to look it up yourself here is the film number. (fhl #0043366) This is on Microfilm and would take a while to search through. If you look this up make sure you go to the Store Ajstrup Parish and then find 1823. Once there go to Number 44 and you will find the same record I have.

  So this shows that Micheal parents are Christen Andersen and Ane Kirstine Bertelsdatter. Notice how Christen spells his name. If you ever had any doubt about the correct spelling of Christensen this should clear it up. As Einer Christensen is a descendant of this man and he spelled his first name Christen. Using the Danish style of patronymics we add the SEN to the end of the name and we have Christensen. This is the name that once all of Micheal's children came to the States they called themselves Christensen's. By the way this is an interesting side note that Mitchael's children born in Denmark had the last name of Michaelsen. However, I am getting ahead of myself.

  The next time we see Michael with his family it is with his mother and her children in Giottrup Bye, Farso Aalborg, Denmark. It is possible that Christen is working at the home of a Parish Priest in Buderup Parish. This census record shows all of their children except for Anders and Grace. As I have pointed out Grace died sometime after she was born. Anders was probably 17 or 18 and was probably working on a near by farm which all Danish children did especially if their parents could not afford all of their children.

aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, Giøttrup Bye, , En stue, 15, FT 1834
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Anne Bertelsdatter, 40, gift, , Indsider og nærer sig af mandens og egen fortjeneste,
Bertel Christensen, 15, ugift, , Deres søn,
Michal Christensen, 11, ugift, , Deres søn,
Anne Kierstine Christensdatter, 13, ugift, , Deres datter,

  As you can see by this Census Michael's name is spelled differently here. He is 11 years old and living with his mother in what I believe is her home town. She may have been living close to her brother Christen.

Michael shows up on the 1840 census in which he is living with another family. His parents do not live far from him but I will not add this to this blog as this is a blog about Michael.

aalborg, Gislum, Farsø, Fredberg, , Gård, 92, FT 1840
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Andreas Christensen, 63, gift, , Gårdmand etc.,
Maren Jacobsdatter, 56, gift, , Hans kone,
Marie Andreasdatter, 19, ugift, , Deres datter,
Metthe Catrine Andreasdatter, 18, ugift, , Deres datter,
Ellen Catrine Andreasdatter, 14, ugift, , Deres datter,
Mikkel Christensen, 16, ugift, , Tjenestedreng,

  Once again the name of Mikkel is used which is a Danish spelling for Michael. He is also living in Fredberg which I think is the closes thing to Michael's hometown even though his parents were what we would call today migrant workers.
Michael is working as a Servant. That is what Tjenestedreng means in Danish. Many teenagers went to work for neighbors or people with special skills so you can learn a new trade. However, Michael probably learned how to herd cattle like his father which is what he did when he moved to Utah.

aalborg, Aars, Hyllebjerg, Boltrup, , et Huus, 27, FT-1845
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Thomas Pedersen, 40, Ugift, , Gaardmand, her i Sognet
Niels Pedersen, 36, Ugift, , Tjenestefolk, her i Sognet
Søren Chr. Christensen, 27, Ugift, , Tjenestefolk, her i Sognet
Michel Christensen, 22, Ugift, , Tjenestefolk, Store Astrup Aalborg Amt
Anne Kirstine Johansdatter, 31, Ugift, , Tjenestefolk, Jelstrup Haubroe Sogn Aalborg Amt
Johane Christoffersdatter, 21, Ugift, , Tjenestefolk, her i Sognet
Christen Nielsen, 59, Ugift, , Almisselem, her i Sognet

  (Michael) Notice the variation of the name is now working as a servant for Thomas Pedersen. This 1845 census list where people were born and this is how we find out that Michael was born in Store Ajstrup in Aalborg county.This is also a very important census as it shows Michael in the same home as his future wife Johane Christoffersdatter who is also working there as a servant. This is her home Parish as this says her i Sognet means her Parish Hyllebjerg. Michael and Johane are married in Vindblase Parish in Aalborg you can find it on the map above. It was unusual for a couple to be married in a different Parish than where the bride was from.

Marriage : May 18, 1850  Vindblaes, Aalborg, Denmark  FHL Archives #0043582.

The children from this marriage are the following:
1.      Ane Marie November 4, 1850                 Hyllebjerg
2.      Christiane March 2, 1853                        Nyrup Gislum
3.      Christine  April 12, 1855                         Nyrup Gislum
4.      Ane Kirstine June 16, 1858,                    Nyrup Gislum
5.      Jensine Catherine January 26, 1859,       Nyrup Gislum
6.      Jensine August 14, 1859                 Nyrup, Gislum, Died August 16, 1859
7.      August Christensen December 3, 1861,  Stenild  Died (Same Day)
8.      Sarah December 3, 1861,                         Stenild  Died (Same Day)
9.    Mettie  October 7, 1863                          Spanish Fork
10.  Michael Hyrum November 10, 1866       Spanish Fork

In 1858 Michael and his wife joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and in May or June of 1863 left for America and eventually Utah. They went by sea and then by a Covered Wagon and Oxen to the Salt Lake Valley. They later settled in Spanish Fork where they started a farm. Two of Michael's Children were born in Spanish Fork, Utah but the rest were all born in Denmark.
   According to Michael's daughter Christina Christensen the Family sailed on the SS Kimball and came across the plains with the Peter Nebeker Party. She is my only source that Michael and his family traveled to America this way as I have no other source for this family coming to America. This subject could make a good blog sometime.

Johane Died on July 29, 1870 in Spanish Fork. Hyrum as he was known growing up was only four years old when his mother died. Michael married Ann Marie Olsen shortly after Johane died. Ann died on July 24, 1877.

  In the Fall of 1881 Michael met a 25 year old Icelandic woman who had just arrived from Iceland. He and Kristin Einarsdottir were married on November 11, 1881 in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City, Utah. Michael and Kristin had the following children:

  Einer Christensen October 5, 1882
  Hannah Christensen October 8, 1885
  Mickle Ephriam Christensen January 8, 1888
  Grace Christensen June 4, 1890  Died same day
  Christina Christensen October 19, 1891

  Kristin never recovered from Christina's birth and died on October 26, 1891. Michael passed away at the age of 70 on September 23, 1893 in Spanish Fork, Utah. Einer was the oldest at 11 years old at this time and all of the children were farmed out to other people.

   Michael had many adventure's in his life and I will add these stories in later blogs. I think you will especially enjoy the story about his near death experience with a group of Indians who were on the war path at the time during the Utah war.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Einers Pedigree

Well I just got back from an exciting work related trip to Las Vegas. I tried really hard to listen to all of the speakers and I did my best but the idea for my blog kept coming to my mind and I have been writing it out and on scatch paper and so once I got home I wanted to put it togehter. So here it is as I have been going crazy wanting to put this out there.

  As I mentioned the reason for this blog is to outline Einer's family history with the documentation. So the next few blogs I am going to document exactly what his family line is and to provide everyone with the documentation so their is no disputations. So here it goes. I apologize ahead of time if this does not look as good as it did in my brain or on my scratch paper at my conference.

  Einer Christensen     Married: Rebecca Hansen  September 28, 1910 
  B: October 5, 1882 Spanish Fork Utah    FHL Archives 0027315
  D: April 20, 1965    Spanish Fork, Utah  State of Utah Death Certificate, In my possession


Michael Christian Christensen      Married Kristin Einarsdottir  November 17, 1881
B: June 3, 1823  Store Ajstrup, Aalborg, Denmark   FHL Film  004336
D:  September 23, 1893, Spanish Fork, Utah  Spanish Fork Cemetary Records Head stone


Christen Andersen /Married Ane Kirstine Bertelsdatter
October 29, 1816 Farso, Aalborg Denmark. FHL 043370
 B: October 31, 1782 Alstrup Aaborg, Denmark  FHL Film 0043446 ( 21st Sunday after Trinity 1782 20 Oct)
 D: January 28, 1863 Farso, Aalborg Denmark  Farso parish records (No FHL # available I failed to write it down)


Anders Jacobsen  Married Anne Michelsdatter  Marriage Date Unknown
 B: abt 1751
 D: Unknown
 Information from Census record Alstrup, Gislum, Aalborg, Denmark 1787 DDD Dansk Demographics
Father Unknown  / Mother Unknown

This is the pedigree with the documentation I have available. There are some holes so I leave it up to you to help me fill in the blanks.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Einer's Family Pictures

Here are some of the pictures that I have of Einer Christensen. Please feel free to add any that you have laying around.

Thank You,

Alan Christensen

                                        Einer Christensen at 28 years old on his wedding day.

     Einer and Rebbeca's Wedding Photo September 28, 1910 in Salt Lake City, Utah. They both look pretty serious in this pictures. Many people did not smile back then.

  This is a photo of Micheal Christensen, Einers Father. Micheal died on September 3, 1893 when Einer was just 11 years old. He had four living children at the time of his death from his third wife Kristin. He had many other children from his first wife Hannah Christophersen. Micheal married each wife after the other wife had already past away.

    This is a Family portrait as far as I know of Micheal Christian Christensen and his Icelandic Wife Kristin Einarsdottir and their two children, Einer and Hannah Christensen. Micheal had several daughters and one living son from his first wife Hannah Christophersen. My assumption is that this picture was taken about 1886. Mickle Ephriam will be born in 1888 and Hannah is about one year old in this picture. I think this is the only picture of this family and it is a tradtion in the Christensen Family that this is a picture of Micheal Christensen and Einer when he was young. I do not know for a fact that this is them.

All of the pictures come from my Father Larry B. Christensen and My Grandmother Thelma Larrabee Christensen who is now deceased.

  This is a picture of Einer in front of his home in Spanish Fork, Utah about 1958.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Einers Family History

On Einers mother side (Kristin Einarsdottir)she is from Loftsalir, Dyrholar ( Hole in the Wall) Vesterskaftafell (west Skaftefell), Iceland. His mother was Born in Iceland and converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She emigrated with a small group of Saints to Utah meeting Einer's father. I will follow up on Einer's mother Kristin later.
I want to follow Einers father on this particular blog. Einers father was Micheal Christian Christensen who was born in Denmark in 1823. This line I have found a lot of confusion in So I wanted to make sure that if you are a descendant of Einer Christensen this blog will outline his Family history but also share stories from Einers life that will I believe make him come alive for you.

Einer was born in Spanish Fork, Utah on October 5, 1882 and he died in Payson, Utah on April 20, 1965. Einers father was born on June 3, 1823 in Store Ajstrup, Aalborg, Denmark. His Christening record states his name as Mikkel Christian Christensen whose parents were Christen Andersen and Ane Kirstine Bertelsdatter. Micheal had two brothers and two sisters all born in different places. His mother was from the Farso Parish in Aalborg County Denmark and this is where Christen and Ane spent most of their later years. Their oldest son was Anders named for his Grandfather Anders Jacobsen. Most Danish children were given names of a close relative. Christen and Ane's second son was named Bertel after Ane's father Bertel Andersen. They had a daughter who was older than Micheal whose name was Ane Kirstine after her mother. She was the only child born in Farso Aalborg Denmark. Their youngest daughter Grace was born in Store Ajstrup after Michael. She does not show up on any records after this point so she probably died. Her death record is not available or we have not found it yet.

This is a good start for now. I will follow up with Einers father Christens Andersen and who his parents possibly are. Please feel free to ask me questions or to share any research you may have on Einer and his family.

Einers Nevada Days

As you may know Einer Christensen helped build the southern end of the railroad going from Salt Lake to Los Angelos. He was involved in working in the Las Vegas area around what is now North Las Vegas. He started out as a regular worker but once they knew he could drive a team he was then responsible to haul supplies with a team of horses from the supply line to where the crews were working. Being out in the desert in Las Vegas I am sure it was very very hot and not a pleasant work environment especially back in 1904-1905 when he was working in this area. He later went back to Spanish Fork and married Rebecca his wife in 1910 and had land for a farm which he probably gained from his work on the rail road. This is pretty good for a boy who was orphaned at age 12 or 13 and farmed out to other families.
Borrowed from the History written by his Daughter in Law Thelma Christensen. Other documentation of the building of the Salt Lake to Los Angelos Railroad can be found online.

I am going to continue to add stories and pictures to my blog. If anyone wants to comment please feel free.